One of the last things we did in Summer before Julie went back to School was go to the Arboretum! It was the first time for Cayden and I and it was pretty humid and hot (we had a lot of those days this Summer) but luckily it wasn't very sunny which helped a little and we still had a great time..
on the snakes head..
Our little runner..
Some really tall bamboo..
A really pretty waterfall..
Walking up along the waterfall..
Almost at the top!
At the top there was a really pretty pond..
whenever Cayden was out of the stroller he would always have to stop and smell the flowers..
There were these little huts the kids could go into..Cayden loved it..
We saw lots of peacocks which isn't really unusual for us since we see them almost every day but it was neat being able to get that close to them..