A few weeks ago while my sister was on Christmas break she came over to work on some crafts with me. When it was time for Cayden to take his "nap" I got him in some comfy pants and put him down. Cayden has been having a lot of napping issues, like not napping at all. He will sit and play in his crib for 2 to 3 hours until it is too late for him to take a nap( I would like him to sleep that night). Recently a problem was that he would go poop and not want to sleep because of it, I definitely don't blame him on that one. Well because this was happening often I would often go in there after a half hour or so to see if that's why he wasn't asleep yet. Well we were having one of those days where he was not falling asleep and crying, so Julie suggested I go check on him in case he did poop. I went in there and picked him up to find myself wondering why I was touching his bottom..I turned the lights on(it was really dark) to find this..
He had pulled his pants down and managed to partly take his diaper off..luckily there was no poop in it but he did potty in his sheets..Julie and I had a pretty good laugh..

Cayden once again had pulled down his pants and took off his diaper but this time there was poop involved! He took his diaper completely off and threw it out of his crib, luckily it landed well so there wasn't a mess all over the carpet but there was poop on his bumper and sheets. Luckily there was no sign of it on his face, just his hands which we hope is from him taking off his diaper. My mom and I couldn't help but laugh, I am just glad my mom decided to go check on him since he wasn't napping, she on the other hand wishes she didn't
A week or two later my mom was on her day off and it was time to put Cayden down, I needed to make a few errands so my mom stayed home while Cayden "slept". When I got home my dad told me I needed to go into Cayden's room. When I got to the door I found this...
Lesson is definitely learned: Cayden now has either a sleeper or a onesie on when it is time for him to "nap" =)
Haha! I so happy I'm not dealing with that at the moment. Be relieved to know that Bradlie was way worse. She'd poop..Stick her hands in her diaper...and then smear it in her sheets and crib rails. GROSS!! You can also fix the taking off his diaper issue with duct tape :) (I've heard)
That is funny : 0 ). Perhaps this is something we have to look forward to...
(Capri + 3, Multiple Babies = Multiple Blessings, http://www.multiples-mom.com)
I would get up on the changing table yank his diaper off laying down on his stomach Lube his butt up with some shampoo and start f****** his little toddler butt till I blow a load of c** in his ass then I'd flip them over suck and jerk him till he comes in my mouth what a sexy little boy nice diaper too I wish you should have showed a shot of his pee pee in his butt
I would cum on him while he taking his diaper off and suck his winky bounce him up and down on my cock
Mmmmm sounds good
Love to fill his butt
Stick my hand down his diaper and play with his pee pee suck on it let him pee in my mouth put my cock in his bottom pee inside slide in and out of his butt and bounce him up and down back and forth while playing with his balls and penis till his winky is hard
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