Sunday, December 30, 2012


This is our cute little man in his Thanksgiving church outfit..
So handsome..
On the Sunday before Thanksgiving we went to my mom's side of the family party and decided to surprise them with some news =)
I kept debating whether I should do it or not and last minute, like an hour before, I tried it out and it was a mess making it. But after a few attempts and very low ink we managed to get something. We are sooo excited to have another baby! More about the pregnancy etc will of course come as soon as I can get this blog caught up!

I decided to try out a new tradition this Thanksgiving and take advantage of this cute 2 years olds imagination. I decided to try out a Thankful tree! We started it on the first of November and did it until the day of Thanksgiving. It was so much fun to do with him every day. My tree was clearly nothing fancy( I did it all by hand) but he loved having it in his room and thank goodness never tried to take it down.
I definitely wanted him to come up with something every day by himself so as you will see some of the things cracked us up.
Here is what Cayden was thankful for this year:
Mommy, Daddy, Jesus( I loved he said that), Sophie(my parents dog), Grammy, Papa, Auntie Julie, Uncle Bri bri, Sadie, books, race cars, Trish(Brian's girlfriend), socks, ambulances, fire trucks, Cayden(yes himself), Mickey, guns, pirates, trucks,police cars, and finally violins.
It was so much fun and will definitely be something we do every year. I can't wait to hear what he will be thankful for next year.
On Thanksgiving we were just at home relaxing. I found a really cute story called the Turkey with the terrible temper so I printed it all up and found a turkey to color and laminate and we had a little FHE with him. Definitely something else we will do with our kids every year.