Friday, April 26, 2013

24 weeks!

The problem with being so behind on your blog is you forget all of the little details you wish you would have remembered but I will do my best! On March 4th I turned 24 weeks! The main cravings that stick out I am not sure that I have mentioned in the past are Turkey sandwiches, this is an odd one to me. It needs the works though, lettuce, tomato etc. Another besides the major sweet tooth is a specific sweet craving, chocolate and peanut butter. This year started out to be a tough "cold" year. I unfortunately got two really bad colds. The first time was right around 25 weeks and the next time was about two weeks or so later, that one was really bad. I was pretty miserable and it was not fun since you really cant take medicine. I am definitely feeling bigger with this one which has made me feel good, keeping my fingers crossed she grows OK! We love watching her move all around which was becoming a lot more visible around this time =)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Santa Ana Zoo!

Back on February 27th, the girls from my workout group and I took our little kiddos to the Santa Ana Zoo! I had never been there before so was excited to take Cayden, especially since he has never been to a zoo.

Unfortunately there was not much to look at, but we still had a great time..

We took a little break to eat some lunch while the kids got their energy out..

There was a cute carousal there and sadly Cayden picked the ONLY non moving one =( we of course didn't know this until it started to go so it was too late, but he didn't mind and still loved it!
This was the highlight to the trip for the kids. It ended up being and unexpected hot day but I think it was more or less the fact that they could actually reach the water.

Since Cayden is the tallest he would push the button for his little friends and they would all splash around with the water, it was cute to watch..

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Hopefully one day I will be able to post about a holiday that is still in the same month! =) I was pretty sad about Valentines this year. I had a couple new traditions I wanted to start but unfortunately with Caydens trips to the Los Angeles Children's Hospital, it made Valentines not a priority. The good thing is that the only one that really cares is me, and I will be eager to start them next year. I did however manage to make Cayden a little Valentines basket..
Oh and that big peanut butter Reeses egg was enjoyed in one sitting by Mike and I =)

Cayden was cracking us up, his smiles were pretty hilarious

He got a Valentines Charlie Brown book which he loves and wants to read all of the time..

Mike has been wanting so badly to get Cayden a cap gun so I caved and we got him one for Valentines..

It was a lot louder than I thought but Cayden LOVES it! In the beginning he wasn't used to it as you can see by his face from the noise..

Mike and I were able to get out and go to Outback and the beach at night. It was a really nice and relaxing night. It was freezing out but we brought blankets and enjoyed a couple hours of just us!

Monday, April 8, 2013

1 year!

My brother has struggled with alcoholism for several years and a year ago February 11th he made a decision to completely stop drinking. We were all so proud of him making it a year so we went out as a family to celebrate at Northwoods Inn! He is still going strong and we are all so grateful for the things he is now doing in his life that are definitely for the better. We love you Brian!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The big reveal!!

I decided this pregnancy it would be fun to have a gender reveal party! Everyone this time around seemed to have a strong opinion of what they thought I was having, plus we thought it would be fun to reveal it all together as a family! Mike and I had found out the day before (February 8th) and the party wasn't until the 9th. Needless to say this was NOT an easy task to keep it in.

After you came in you were able to pick which team you were one. They were cute pacifier necklaces..

We ate Costco pizza and had a salad bar..

The box I made which had the balloons inside for the big reveal..

I attempted to make Cayden what I thought would be an easy shirt. It was an iron on from Hobby Lobby that said big brother and it was not an easy task. I even returned the first one I bought because I thought there was something wrong with it. Luckily my handy hubby was patient enough to use a safety pin to peel down every little letter. Luckily it lasted most of the night and looked cute =)

After Dinner(yes we made them all wait) it was time for the reveal and we got a picture of each team, here is team blue!
Team pink!

We also played a little "old wives tales" game where Mike would say an old wives tale and I would answer to which it would either mean I was having a boy or girl...the pic below, the question was are you carrying high or low so I was letting everyone else decide =)

The results..

The big reveal!

The first balloon on its way out!
It's a GIRL!!

All three of us having girls, it is pretty crazy!
I have to admit I was convinced it was a girl from the start. My pregnancy was just soo different this time around which I know means nothing but I was convinced. We were both really really hoping for a girl so we were sooo thrilled to find out it was. I somehow convinced my mom by the way I was talking and acting Friday and Saturday before the reveal that it was a boy. It was a happy and shocking surprise for her =)