Thursday, March 31, 2011

Do you hear what I hear?

This past Saturday the 26th Cayden finally said those 3 little letters =)...Cayden is pretty halarious and doesnt say ma ma but mom and I dont think I have mentioned, Cadyen says dad all the time instead of da da. Luckily I was able to catch it on video while feeding him lunch...lets just say I was one happy mom on Saturday! Oh and not sure if you cought the little humm he does in the video, he does that alot and I think its adorable!


*Lauren* said...

Mom for sure!! He's got Seth beat :)

K♥C said...

how exciting! didnt your heart just melt the first time he said it =) I love how he smiles when he says MOM too!
cant wait to see you VERY soon =)

Brian and Ally said...
LOL =]