Our city hosted a Santa party at the Library on the 3rd . I wanted to take Cayden mainly because they were doing photos with Santa and we really had no idea what to expect so we thought we would give it a try. Of course like many places that has photos with Santa..clarify, free photos with Santa there is usually always guaranteed a long line. It was long, I stayed positive and told Mike it would prob only be like 15 minutes because the line was moving fast but it ended up taking 45 mins of holding Cayden..
Luckily Cayden was a sweetheart and was probably only letting us hold him the entire time because he was at the start of having a really bad cold (which he is finally now over) so he was more tired than usual but thank goodness he did..
I was really anxious/ nervous to see how he was going to be with Santa since he has completely changed his ways to not liking being held by unfamiliar faces with lots of facial hair and of course the minute I started to hand him off to Santa he held on to me for dear life and started to shake and turn red..luckily he did'nt scream and cry =) So I ended up on Santa's lap and Mike got in to make a family photo with Santa instead!
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